Kent Hanszen istriple Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization — CivilTrial Law, Residential Real Estate Law and Commercial Real Estate Law. Of the83,000 licensed attorneys in Texas, only 5 attorneys have achieved thisdistinction. Mr. Hanszen also enjoys an AV “Preeminent” rating fromMartindale-Hubbell’s Peer Review Ratings. He brings a broad perspective totransactions and litigation, having represented Fortune 500 companies with aworldwide view, as well as small to medium sized enterprises with a regionalfocus.
Mr. Hanszeninitially focused his practice on litigation, and later in his career, he tookthe experience of litigating contract disputes (and his knowledge of theaccompanying pitfalls of contractual construction)and used that knowledge tohelp his clients with their transactions. Today, he continues to specialize incommercial and residential real estate matters, business disputes, financialand security interest matters, oil and gas litigation, contract claims,insurance coverage matters, and title and title insurance issues.
Mr. Hanszenearned his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center in 1992 and aBachelors degree in Business Administration from Texas A&M University in1988. He is licensed to practice in all Texas State courts, the Federal Courtsof the Southern, Eastern, Northern and Western Districts of Texas, as well asthe Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Hanszen has practiced before the courtsin more than seventy counties in Texas, in numerous state courts of appeals,and in ever federal district in Texas. He also has handled matters throughoutthe United States, including California, Florida, Oklahoma and New York. Inaddition to his Board Certifications, Mr. Hanszen is a Certified Mediatorthrough the A.A. White.
- J.D., University of HoustonLaw School
- B.B.A., Texas A&MUniversity
- CertifiedMediator – University ofHouston – A.A. White Institute
- All Courts of the State ofTexas (Texas Bar #00784210)
- U.S. Federal Court for theNorthernDistrict of Texas
- U.S. FederalCourt for the SouthernDistrict of Texas
- U.S. FederalCourt for the EasternDistrict of Texas
- U.S. FederalCourt for the WesternDistrict of Texas
- U.S. Court ofAppeals for the Fifth Circuit(Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi)
- Board Certified in CivilTrial Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Board Certified inResidential RealEstate Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Board Certifiedin Commercial RealEstate Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- AV “Preeminent”Rated by Martindale-Hubbell’s Peer Review Ratings
- TexasAssociation of Civil Trial andAppellate Specialists
- College of theState Bar of Texas BoardMember
- Texas LandTitle Association –Legislative Committee Member and Judiciary Committee Member
- EpilepsyFoundation of Texas, BoardMember
- NationalAssociation of Hispanic RealEstate Professionals, Board Member
- A.F.& A.M. HollandLodge, Texas No. 1
- Arabia Shrine Temple
- Scottish Rite
- Wilchester WestFoundation, Board of Directors